80x faster
I've been thinking about this issue with text associated with enums since way back in 2003, but I never got around to writing and testing any code to make it easier. Since I also have a gazillion (and counting) enums in DART, I thought I would finally try to do something about it. There are about four different methods used in our code to convert from an enum to some kind of text to be displayed:
- Enum.ToString, when the desired text is a valid VB identifier (simple, but slow)
- An associated array of strings indexed by the enum, fast when the enum can be used to index but extra work to make an array of strings and keep it in sync, etc.
- A select case type of statement where the enum is tested and a string is returned; again, extra work.
- Encoded enum names (e.g., AlertResponseType.INVEST_2F_7CINTEROG) where valid identifiers are created and then the ToString name is converted to readable text.
I had two ideas on how to do this: 1. Create the array (lookup table) automatically and 2. add readable text to the enum value as an attribute. He is an example:
Private Enum sample4 'verbose
<Description("Not Declared")> _
<Description("The First of Two")> _
<Description("The Second of Two")> _
End Enum
or (I added the descriptions for the speedup text)
Public Enum AlertResponseType As Integer 'encoded
<Description("OK")> OK = -1
<Description("ACCEPT")> ACCEPT
The EnumText class below will automatically create an array of text associated with the enum values the first time it is used -- and then just use the existing array thereafter.
Speed is not always the most important thing, but I also did some simple loop tests to see how much faster this technique is:
Enum kind | Speedup (x faster) |
simple | 54.2x |
sparse | 28.0x |
flags | 17.7x |
encoded | 82.6x |
| |
I've tried the lookup using array search versus dictionaries, dictionaries win out if you have long enums so it probably depends on your project. There are other considerations that can complicate this if you allow things like Enum.ToString for a byte or integer that isn't defined. (You can google several solutions to this enum issue, for general and specific cases -- I didn't see our encoded identifier, though)
The speedup is pretty impressive (2000 to 9000 percent), although I actually expected EnumText v. IdentifierToString to be in the 1000Xs.
Here's the code:
You use it like this:
EnumText(Of verbose4).ToText(verbose4.Two))
EnumText(Of AlertResponseType).ToText(AlertResponseType.ACCEPT_7CCONTROL))
It basically does a quick assessment of what kind of enum it is and then creates a converter for it.
Public Class EnumText(Of T)
Shared Sub New()
Dim t As Type = GetType(T)
If Not t.IsEnum Then
Throw New ArgumentException("This is only for enums!")
End If
Dim needsLookup As Boolean 'i.e. a dictionary
Dim names As String() = System.Enum.GetNames(t)
Dim valuesT As T() = DirectCast(System.Enum.GetValues(t), T()) 'for byte, etc.
Dim values(valuesT.Length - 1) As Integer
For n As Integer = 0 To names.GetUpperBound(0)
Dim name As String = names(n)
Dim fi As Reflection.FieldInfo = t.GetField(name)
Dim attrs As System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute() = _
DirectCast(fi.GetCustomAttributes(GetType(System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute), False), _
If attrs.Length > 0 Then
names(n) = attrs(0).Description
End If
values(n) = System.Convert.ToInt32(valuesT(n))
If Not needsLookup _
AndAlso values(n) <> n Then
needsLookup = True
End If
If t.GetCustomAttributes(GetType(FlagsAttribute), False).Length > 0 Then 'is flags
'also assumes needsLookup
_converter = New FlagsConverter(names, values)
ElseIf needsLookup Then
_converter = New LookupConverter(names, values)
_converter = New Converter(names)
End If
End Sub
Private Class Converter '(Of V)
Protected names As String()
Public Sub New(ByVal names As String())
Me.names = names
End Sub
Public Overridable Function ToText(ByVal value As Integer) As String
Return names(value)
End Function
End Class
Private Class LookupConverter : Inherits Converter
Private table As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String)
Protected values As Integer()
Public Sub New(ByVal names As String(), ByVal values As Integer())
Me.values = values
''overkill: table? what about just iterate through the array?
''enum lists are usually short, right?
For n As Integer = 0 To names.GetUpperBound(0)
table(values(n)) = names(n)
End Sub
Public Overrides Function ToText(ByVal value As Integer) As String
Dim text As String = Nothing
If table.TryGetValue(value, text) Then
Return text
Return value.ToString 'fallback
End If
End Function
End Class
Private Class FlagsConverter : Inherits LookupConverter
Public Sub New(ByVal names As String(), ByVal values As Integer())
MyBase.new(names, values)
End Sub
Public Overrides Function ToText(ByVal value As Integer) As String
If value = 0 Then
Return MyBase.ToText(0)
End If
Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder
Dim index As Integer = Me.values.GetUpperBound(0)
Do While index > 0
If (value And values(index)) = values(index) Then
value -= values(index)
If sb.Length > 0 Then
End If
End If
index -= 1
Return sb.ToString
End Function
End Class
Private Shared _converter As Converter
Public Shared Function ToText(ByVal value As Integer) As String
Return _converter.ToText(value)
End Function
Private Enum simple1 'simple
End Enum
Private Enum sparse2 'sparse
One = 1
Two = 2
Four = 4
End Enum
<Flags()> _
Private Enum flags3 'flags
One = 1
Two = 2
Four = 4
End Enum
Private Enum verbose4 'verbose
<Description("Not Declared")> _
<Description("The First of Two")> _
<Description("The Second of Two")> _
End Enum
Public Enum AlertResponseType As Integer 'encoded
<Description("OK")> OK = -1
<Description("ACCEPT")> ACCEPT
<Description("ASSIGN")> ASSIGN
<Description("BREAK")> BREAK
<Description("CANTCO")> CANTCO
<Description("CDO")> CDO
<Description("COVER")> COVER
<Description("DCORLTE")> DCORLTE
<Description("DEFER")> DEFER
<Description("ENGAGE")> ENGAGE
<Description("HNDOVER|TO")> HNDOVER_7CTO
<Description("IGNORE")> IGNORE
<Description("KILL")> KILL
<Description("NEVER")> NEVER
<Description("REJECT")> REJECT
<Description("SCRAM")> SCRAM
<Description("SURVIVE")> SURVIVE
<Description("WILCO")> WILCO
<Description("OVERRIDE")> OVERRIDE
End Enum
Public Shared Sub Test()
Dim s3 As flags3 = CType(5, EnumText(Of T).flags3)
Debug.Print("simple1.One =" & EnumText(Of simple1).ToText(simple1.One))
Debug.Print("sparse2.Four =" & EnumText(Of sparse2).ToText(sparse2.Four))
Debug.Print("flags3.One Or flags3.Four =" & EnumText(Of flags3).ToText(flags3.One Or flags3.Four)) 'flags
Debug.Print("verbose4.Two =" & EnumText(Of verbose4).ToText(verbose4.Two))
Debug.Print("spares(5) =" & EnumText(Of sparse2).ToText(5)) 'not defined
Debug.Print("flags(5).ToString =" & s3.ToString)
Debug.Print("flags3(5).ToText =" & EnumText(Of flags3).ToText(s3)) 'flag using integer
Debug.Print("ACCEPT_7CCONTROL =" & EnumText(Of AlertResponseType).ToText(AlertResponseType.ACCEPT_7CCONTROL))
Debug.Print("--Speedup (simple)--")
Dim sw As Stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew
For i As Integer = 1 To 1000000
Dim s As String = simple1.Two.ToString
Dim sw1 As Long = sw.ElapsedTicks
sw.Reset() : sw.Start()
For i As Integer = 1 To 1000000
Dim s As String = EnumText(Of simple1).ToText(simple1.Two)
Dim sw2 As Long = sw.ElapsedTicks
Debug.Print("{0} {1} {2:0.0}", sw1, sw2, sw1 / sw2)
Debug.Print("--Speedup (sparse)--")
sw.Reset() : sw.Start()
For i As Integer = 1 To 1000000
Dim s As String = sample2.Four.ToString
sw1 = sw.ElapsedTicks
sw.Reset() : sw.Start()
For i As Integer = 1 To 1000000
Dim s As String = EnumText(Of sample2).ToText(sample2.Four)
sw2 = sw.ElapsedTicks
Debug.Print("{0} {1} {2:0.0}", sw1, sw2, sw1 / sw2)
Debug.Print("--Speedup (flags)--")
sw.Reset() : sw.Start()
For i As Integer = 1 To 1000000
Dim s As String = s3.ToString
sw1 = sw.ElapsedTicks
sw.Reset() : sw.Start()
For i As Integer = 1 To 1000000
Dim s As String = EnumText(Of sample3).ToText(s3)
sw2 = sw.ElapsedTicks
Debug.Print("{0} {1} {2:0.0}", sw1, sw2, sw1 / sw2)
Debug.Print("--Speedup (encoded)--")
sw.Reset() : sw.Start()
For i As Integer = 1 To 1000000
Dim s As String = IdentifierToString(AlertResponseType.INTER_AD_7CCONSOLE_7CHNDOVER.ToString)
sw1 = sw.ElapsedTicks
sw.Reset() : sw.Start()
For i As Integer = 1 To 1000000
Dim s As String = EnumText(Of AlertResponseType).ToText(AlertResponseType.INTER_AD_7CCONSOLE_7CHNDOVER)
sw2 = sw.ElapsedTicks
Debug.Print("{0} {1} {2:0.0}", sw1, sw2, sw1 / sw2)
End Sub
Shared Function IdentifierToString(ByVal sIdentifier As String) As String
'NAME: Devon Terminello
'DATE: March 2004
'PURPOSE: This function replaces _[hex digit][hex digit] with the asc character that
' corresponds with the 2 hex digits. NOTE: This gives me a way to encode
' characters into an identifier, which would not otherwise be visible
Dim sRet As String = ""
Dim iIndexId As Integer, iChr As Integer
If Not sIdentifier Is Nothing Then
Do While iIndexId < sIdentifier.Length
If sIdentifier.Chars(iIndexId) = "_"c Then
iChr = Integer.Parse(sIdentifier.Substring(iIndexId + 1, 2), Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber)
sRet &= Chr(iChr)
iIndexId += 3
sRet &= sIdentifier.Chars(iIndexId)
iIndexId += 1
End If
End If
Return sRet
End Function
End Class
It prints out:
simple1.One =One
sparse2.Four =Four
flags3.One Or flags3.Four =Four,One
verbose4.Two =The Second of Two
spares(5) =5
flags(5).ToString =One, Four
flags3(5).ToText =Four,One <-- I do my flags backwards compared to MS, but it matches how I assign bits better I think
Other things of note:
Negative valued enums, MS uses unsigned sort, so GetNames will have the negative numbered enums at the end.
Since I set and think of flag bits going right to left, that's how I print out my text, too,